Liz Reports from YSS Conference

On April 11th, I attended the NYLA YSS conference in Melville Long Island. While there, we were treated to two wonderful presenters. In the morning, Alex Flinn talked about where she gets her ideas for her YA books. She told several stories about how her first book, Breathing Underwater, had shown teenage girls the warning signs of an abusive relationship. She has had many girls thank her for her novel, and how it saved them from abuse. Her books vary from believable fiction to retellings of classic fairytales such as Beauty and the Beast.

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RSS Feed for New Stuff: What you can do

JA announced the availablitiy of an RSS feed for New Stuff (by library) from the New Stuff page on the PAC.

You can use this RSS feed on your blog to let your patrons know your recent additions. This is easily done by using the RSS widget on WordPress. (Other blogs will have a similar feature)

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New York State Summer Reading Website

The New York State Summer Reading site,, will be filled with fun activities for children to use all summer long.  

If you add a link to your website or a bookmark to your public computers, children and teens will find new featured activities all summer long.