Ebsco Database Training

It is always difficult for people to leave their libraries to attend training, and with the cost of gas, travel is becoming more prohibitive for many libraries.  Given that, several online webinar training sessions have been schedule for this fall.  This is the first time we have done database training via a webinar, so consider it an experiment.  We will see how it goes – if folks feel that additional in-person sessions are necessary, we will schedule those at a later date.

The first round of sessions will focus on EBSCO products, specifically NoveList Plus and Masterfile Select.  Both of these products have brand new interfaces and many added features.  Tentative dates and times are:

Wednesday, Sept 17 – 10:30 AM
Monday, Sept 22 – 3:30 PM
Wednesday, Oct 1 – 1:00 PM

More information will be forthcoming as the dates get closer.  Expect each session to last approx 1 – 1 ½ hours.

I hope that the variety of dates and times for training will allow most libraries to work one of these sessions into their schedules.  Please watch for further emails about training in the next couple of weeks.