Delivery Information

Looking for additional codes? Visit CDLC’s ELD Codes
Q: To whom are the drivers responsible?
A: The drivers are responsible to Arnoff Global Logistics.
Q: How do I report delivery problems? What if an item is lost?
A: Inform your system as soon as possible. Click here for full contact information
As the agencies contracting with Arnoff Global Logistics, we will work with them to solve the problem. Arnoff Global Logistics carries insurance for lost items.
Q: What should I do if my delivery doesn’t arrive?
A: Inform your system contact.
Q: How will deliveries be made on days the library is not open?
A: Member libraries who want delivery when they are closed have provided their system with keys and access codes. Your system will provide your current key and/or entry code to Arnoff Global Logistics to ensure daily delivery if the library is closed. If you change your locks, make sure you
• Let your system know so that we can inform Arnoff Global Logistics.
• Give the new information/key to your system contact people.
Q: How do I suspend or change delivery services because our library will be closed due to construction or an emergency?
A: Call or email your system contact people as soon as possible before closing, or immediately in the event of an emergency.
Q: What will happen to an item that loses its delivery label?
A: The item will be returned to the owning library. If there is no designation, the items will be sent to your system contact people.
Q: What days will the delivery service be suspended?
A: Click here for SALS closed dates.
Q: What is the procedure for sending computers to Joint Automation at SALS for repair?
A: Put it in a box and put a routing slip on the outside. Send an e-mail to with the date the computer was shipped for repair and a description of the problem. Computer Support will notify you by e-mail when they ship it back.
Q: Is there any special procedure for sending dvds and other problematic materials through the delivery?
A: Single copies of dvds and other problematic materials should be placed in nylon zipper bags clearly marked with the library destination code.
Q: May we send money through the delivery?
A: We recommend not sending any cash or checks through the delivery.
Routing Slips
Route 1
(9 stops)
Ballston Spa: M-F |
Burnt Hills: M-F |
Round Lake: M-F |
Mechanicville: M-F |
Stillwater: M-F |
Waterford: M-F |
Clifton Park: M-F |
Malta: M-F |
Saratoga Springs: M-F |

Route 2
(10 stops)
Bolton: M-W-F |
Brant Lake: M-W-F |
Chestertown: M-W-F |
Johnsburg: M-W-F |
Indian Lake: M-W-F |
Long Lake: M-W-F |
Raquette Lake: M-W-F |
Inlet: M-W-F |
Lake Pleasant; M-W-F |
Northville (MVLS): M-W-F |
Galway: M-W-F |

Route 3
(13-16 stops)
Schuylerville: M-F |
Easton: M-F |
Greenwich: M-F |
Cambridge: M-F |
Salem: M-F |
Granville: M-F |
Whitehall: M-F |
Washington Correctional: TU |
Argyle: M-F |
Fort Edward: M-F |
Hudson Falls: M-F |
Glens Falls: M-F |
Warrensburg: M-W-F |
Lake George: M-W-F |
Stony Creek: M-W-F |
Luzerne: M-F |
Corinth: M-T-TH-F |