Enjoy popular titles from the comfort of home
Southern Adirondack Library On-demand is proud to offer you popular downloadable audiobooks, accessible 24/7. Joining top rated libraries like Boston, Denver, New York, and Cleveland, we are excited to announce this at-home service for a new way to enjoy your library.Â
With hundreds of popular and classic titles to select from, our digital collection is guaranteed to have something for everyone. Offering popular fiction and non-fiction, our “Virtual Branch” spans nearly every genre. You can download best-selling books, literary classics, self-improvement guides, and more.
Getting started is easy! Visit our website, http://salon.sals.edu, install the free software, browse the collection, and add titles to your cart. Check out with a valid library card and download titles to a personal computer or laptop. When the download process is complete, you can enjoy titles on your Windows or Mac computer or transfer to supported devices, like an MP3 player or Apple iPod. Many audio titles can be burned to CD to listen in the car.
So what’s the catch? There is none. Digital downloads are easy to check out and download, and the best part is- there are never any late fees because your titles are automatically returned at the end of the lending period.
For more information and help resources, visit http://salon.sals.edu�