31st Annual Rensselaerswijck Seminar

The New Netherland Institute announces its 31st Rensselaerswijck Seminar, a one-day conference to be held on Saturday, September 13, 2008, in the Kenneth B. Clark Auditorium of the Cultural Education Center at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY. The theme is the relationship between the Dutch and French in 17th-century North America.

For more information on the conference program you can visit http://www.nnp.org.

Public Library District Workshop

Mohawk Valley Library System presents:

Public Library District Workshop

Workshop Presentation on Public Library Districts
sponsored by the Division of Library Development, State Education Department

Public Library Districts are libraries with public votes on their budgets and trustees. Statistical data show that these libraries are better funded than others, leading to improved services, increased autonomy and accountability, and predictable sustainable funding. This workshop will inform trustees and library directors about districts, giving them greater understanding of districts and how they could benefit library services in their communities and throughout New York State.

Presenter: Libby Post

President, CEO Communication Services, Inc. Albany, NY

Serving as consultant to the Division of Library Development to assist with the Public Library Districts Initiative

Ms. Post has worked successfully with libraries in New York in exploring options and achieving public library district status. She has also worked with the New York Library Association and the Mid-Hudson Library System, and recently worked with MVLS on the Telling Your Library Story LSTA grant.
Saturday, September 6, 2008

9:00 am – 1:00 PM

Rotterdam Branch Library, 1100 North Westcott Road, Rotterdam, NY


Register by email: kinsero@mvls.info or by calling MVLS at 355-2010

Trustees and Library Directors are encouraged to attend. Your attendance does not indicate a commitment by your library to pursue this governance option, but is a great opportunity to learn more and ask questions.

2008 Polaris Enhancement Vote

Greetings, all,

Site-contacts’ input is again invited on enhancements to the Polaris system.

Attached is a ballot with instructions for viewing and voting for enhancements that have been submitted by Polaris users nationwide. We will tabulate votes from MVLS and SALS users for Michele Largeteau, who is our voting representative to the Polaris Users Group. You are encouraged to talk with other staff about the enhancements.

Please view enhancements online at:

The Polaris Extranet

Click on Customers / Polaris Users Group / PUG 2008 Enhancements Lists

If you forgot the user ID and password see the instructions on the JA Intranet

Please return your ballot to Jennifer Ferriss by courier (code) SAL, fax 518 587-5589 or email no later than Tuesday September 2nd.

If you have any questions, please contact your system trainers.