Storytime Skills Workshop

Date: Friday, November 14, 2008
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Place: William K. Sanford Town Library, Colonie
Cost: $15
All thumbs with finger puppets? Flannelboard technique just doesn’t stick? Come develop new storytime techniques, hone your existing skills, or gather fresh ways to use your expertise. Upper Hudson Library System and Mohawk Valley Library System bring the best outside and inside presenters together to demonstrate, teach, coach and facilitate sharing of key storytime skills. A must for anyone with minimal storytime training!

As a special feature, author/illustrator Jeff Mack (Hush Little Polar Bear, Rub-a-Dub-Sub, Boo Bunny, Hurry! Hurry!) will join us for the last hour with a presentation on picture books. Books will be available for signing.

To register please download and printout this Flier

Every Child Ready to Read Survey

Your library may be contacted to fill out a survey.

Dr. Susan Neuman will begin contacting public libraries via email requesting survey participation.  If your library is contacted, please take the time to fill out the survey in a timely fashion. Your feedback on Every Child Ready to Read is vital to the development of recommendations for next steps for the ECRR initiative.
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Bryan Alexander from NITLE

December 3, 2008, to be held at Union College
Speaker: Bryan Alexander from NITLE

Co-sponsored by Union College.
A morning session will focus on libraries, and attendees are welcome to stay for the more academic-centered afternoon session.
December 3, 2008 : 115 F.W. Olin Center, Union College
Schenectady, NY
General Session: 9:00 am – Noon : Academic Session: 1:30 pm – 4:40 pm
Cyberculture is advancing rapidly, with teaching and research constantly taking advantage of emerging technologies. Bryan will explore Web 2.0, gaming, and mobile computing in libraries and education. The morning program will conclude with a glimpse at emergent syntheses, such as Web 3.0, augmented reality, and new forms of storytelling.

The afternoon session will focus on emerging technologies in academia, including social networking & collaboration tools, video (vodcasting/podcasting; “Ted” talks; YouTube; grassroots video); mash-ups; mobile and wireless; and gaming.

115 Olin Center has wireless available. You are invited to bring your laptop for interactive use during the presentation.

Registration deadline is November 25, 2008.