Bob Freeman – Q&A

Committee on Open Government (COOG)

Q: Can a board gather in a parking lot, even informally or spontaneously  to conduct library business?
A: No, there is no such thing as an informal meeting

Q: What is executive session – when can it be called and what does a board do after the session ends?
A: From the COOG website:  “…. It is noted that an executive session is not separate from an open meeting but rather is a portion of an open meeting during which the public may be excluded. … First, a motion must be made during an open meeting to enter into executive session; second, the motion must identify the general area or areas of the subject or subjects to be considered; and third, the motion must be carried by a majority vote of the total membership of a public body.  See advisory opinions under “E” for “Executive Session” in the OML Advisory Opinion Index.”

This means that first the meeting must be called to order; you can not begin your meeting in Executive Session and then start the public meeting.  Personnel is not an excuse to go into executive session.
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What Every Trustee Should Know

On Tuesday June 11, from 10 am to 11 am, the New York State Library will offer a brief introductory webinar for new public and association library trustees, “What Every Trustee Should Know.”

“Handbook for Library Trustees” author Jerry Nichols will cover the following topics:

– Your role as a Trustee;

– Effective Board Meetings;

– Legal and Fiduciary Responsibilities; and

– Working with your fellow Trustees and Library Director.

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