Pictures, Videos, Links: Summer Reading Program 2009

Want to check out some pictures or a video from the morning session?  Looking for the directions to make the beaded zipper pull?  Need to request a Flip camera?

Video can also be found:

Facebook: Are we friends yet?  Find me by my name or email. I have a video posted on my profile.

Flickr: Check out the Summer Reading Program 2009 set.
If you have a Flickr account please make us a contact “Southern Adirondack Library System”

YouTube: Link directly to the video or subscribe to our channel.
You can find us by searching for “salsblog”

MySpace: Are we friends yet?  Find me by searching for people using my profile name “catalogthat”

Pictures can be found on Flickr

Beading: Zipper pull directions

Flip video: tutorial / user guide (created by Trevor Oakley)

NYS history community partners:
Saratoga National Park
Hudson Crossing Park
Local historical societies

Creative community partners:
Local schools
Local recreation departments
Saratoga County Arts Council
Community theater groups
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Head Start
Literacy Volunteers
Lunch and Learn Program (Salem)
Corinth Playground Program