Help America Vote Act (HAVA) for 2016- Important Update

There is an important update to the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) which will impact member libraries that hold elections.  The Help America Vote Act (HAVA), signed into federal law in 2002, required states to transition to more accessible balloting, namely, optical voting machines, by 2006.  Several extensions were passed over the years to provide a cushion for this transition.  However, as of January 1, 2016, libraries which continued to enjoy an exemption from the requirements of HAVA and ERMA must now come into compliance with the provisions of these acts. Libraries which previously used lever voting machines in the conduct of elections must now move to optical scan balloting, or, in the alternative, use paper balloting methods compliant with existing law.

Any library in New York State which has not previously transitioned to conducting their elections through optical scan voting technology must do so for any election held after January 1, 2016, or use paper balloting that is compliant with statutory requirements. Due to the cost-prohibitive nature of purchasing and maintaining this technology, we (The New York Library Association) recommend coming to an independent agreement with your local county Board of Elections where necessary, or working with your local school district where applicable.

Read More About HAVA Compliance on the NYLA Website

Plan of Service – Learning from Stakeholders

Save the date.
Two representatives of each member library (ideally the director and library board chair) will be invited to attend this meeting. During the meeting, participants will describe how the needs and expectations of the people they serve are changing. They will also begin to identify the resources they will need to effectively address those changing needs and expectations.

Location: Saratoga Springs
Time: 10-3 pm

Google Essentials presented by Polly Farrington at CDLC

Thursday, February 25th, 2016
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

CDLC Offices, 28 Essex Street, Albany

Presented by Polly-Alida Farrington, owner of PA Farrington Associates

Most of us use Google in our workplace, but we may not be using it to its full capacity. Come join us for the day as we learn about Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Scholar, Google Hangouts, how to search more efficiently with Google and more.
Snow date: 2/26

Cost includes lunch: $25 for CDLC Members (including staff at member libraries and personal members) and $40 Non-members
Due to a limited number of seats, if you register and are unable to attend, please contact Susan D’Entremont at