5-Year Strategic Planning Process Announcement

The Southern Adirondack Library System will soon commence work on its Strategic Plan for 2017-2021; consultants June Garcia and Sandra Nelson will facilitate the process.

On March 9th member library Directors, staff & trustees have been invited to join us to take part in the first stage of the planning process.  This invitation has already been shared with Directors.  We look forward to feedback from our members.

Zika Virus Resources

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has put together the following resources about the Zika Virus:

MedlinePlus now includes a health topic page on Zika Virus in English and Spanish.

The Specialized Information Services group of NLM has also created a Zika Virus Health Information Resources web site that includes content syndication.

If you need Zika Virus information in languages other than English and Spanish you may visit HealthReach from NLM and locate Zika Virus material in different languages.

Please spread the word about these important resources to your staff & members of your community.

Referring Patrons to Reliable Immigration Services and Information

The NN/LM New England Region has extended an invitation to their upcoming webinar: Referring Patrons to Reliable Immigration Services and Information

When: Friday March 4th, 2016 @ 10:30 -11:30 am

Description: US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the US Government branch of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for providing immigration services and benefits. A USCIS community relations officer will offer suggestions about how to refer library patrons who may need immigration information or services to qualified immigration service providers. He will also cover avoiding the pervasive immigration scams that regularly victimize immigrants.

Guest Speaker: William Albers, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Registration: http://nnlm.gov/ntc/classes/class_details.html?class_id=1001