Strategies for Successful Partnerships

Strategies for Successful Partnerships and Outreach to Families with Young Children
This Ready to Read at NY Library component focuses on how libraries can best reach families with young children, particularly those who are most at risk for not being successful in the school years ahead. Participants will learn how to identify potential partners, based on information from the first component, and how to reach out and work with them. They will also learn how to reach families with young children who do not currently use the library and the important role that partnerships play in that outreach. Participants will learn how to develop an Early Literacy Partnership and Outreach Plan for their libraries.
Registration for morning session:

Have you tried Beanstack?

Beanstack LogoWith over one million books in the shared MVLS/SALS online catalog, how do you pick out the perfect one for the young reader in your life?

The Southern Adirondack Library System is proud to announce… Beanstack! Get weekly emails with recommended books, apps, and learning tips for your kids.
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Planning Process

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