National Workforce Readiness Credential Final Report

The Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS) in conjunction with Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex Board of Cooperative Educational Services (WSWHE BOCES) and SALS member libraries offered the National Workforce Readiness Credential training course to library patrons in the SALS service area.  The Credential is an important tool that persons seeking employment can use to show employers that they are work-ready and prepared for the first step on a career path.  Through the Credential training, participants learned the skills needed to perform entry-level employment activities and succeed in today’s workplace.  At the end of the 3 year grant 22 students took the credential exam.
Students reported that they learned about mutual respect, how to resolve conflict, being open to feedback, socioeconomic differences, and how to be a better team player. All students were motivated to gain employment.  Thank you Krista Conrick for teaching over 40 students the past three years.

FREE online Library Campaign Training Institute, July 14-Aug. 4

Part 4: Connecting with YES Voters + Part 5: Get out the Vote (Immediately following Part 4):  August 4, 2016, 12:00, CST

This workshop details the nuts and bolts of a library field operation including:

  • Targeting through using enhanced voter files.
  • Phone Banking/Direct Mail/Social Media/Email/Voter Tracking

This workshop brings the previous four together with the ultimate goal of reaching out to Yes voters and getting them to the polls.

Register here: