Managing Library Technology

Managing Library Technology: Keeping All the Balls In The Air

Thursday, October 20, 2016 ? 3 pm Eastern / 12 pm Pacific ? 1 hour


Managing library technology isn’t just about the technology. It involves fine juggling skills to manage people, workflows, procedures, policies and more?all while prioritizing, delegating and tracking. Just preparing staff effectively for upgrades or changes to technology takes finesse. How does one person do it all? Strong project and time management skills are key. Regardless of your job title, and whether working with a small team or a library-wide technology committee, anyone can learn smart practices to keep everything, and everyone, in motion and on target.

Presented by: John Klima, Assistant Director, Waukesha Public Library (WI), author, editor, and LITA Blogger

IUG 2017 Call for Proposals is Now Open

Try to think outside the box for topics that cross all platforms. Themes such as best practices for patron records (what information do you really need?); cataloging metadata necessary for patron searching and discovery; and user interface improvements for the Polaris PAC. Did you learn things the hard way? Please share your wisdom in a presentation so you can spare others the same pain. We also need programs for reference staff, technical services, circulation, systems, and administration. What decisions have you made regarding the statistics and analytics you gather and how has that impacted your website and the services, materials, and programming that you provide to your library patrons? Presentations on basic system functionality to bring new staff members up to speed or as a review for seasoned veterans are also essential.
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3rd Annual Library Programs2 Symposium

Third Annual Library Programs2Symposium

September 30, 2016 / 12:30 – 2:30 pm / University at Albany, Campus Center Assembly Hall 

We are bringing new and innovative types of programming information to libraries, schools and other institutions across the Capital District region and beyond. This event features exhibits of programs from educational, entertainment, social, and cultural programming specialists. These informative displays will highlight presentations and demonstrations that will focus on education, entertainment, and cultural awareness, creating new programming opportunities to bring back to your institution. And it’s FREE.

This year’s Programs2 Symposium includes over 40 presenters who offer a variety of programs, workshops, classes and demonstrations. We will also have fabulous door prizes and light refreshments.

Please go to our website for additional information:

Who is this “We”, anyway?

We are the University at Albany IST666 class for summer 2016. We are all graduate students in the Information Science program at the University at Albany and will one day be planning our own educational programming at institutions similar to yours.

An RSVP would be nice (not necessary) either to (our instructor) or via the RSVP link at

See you on September 30th!

Generous Sponsorship from: University Auxiliary Services, UA Graduate Student Association, and the CEAS Department of Information Studies