Free Webinar: Early Literacy and STEAM

STEAM subjects are exciting and have great potential to captivate young children. When you expose them to science and math at an early age you are building their confidence, and unleashing their potential.
Librarians and early childhood educators can step in to make STEM learning (a national priority) more playful, fun and hands-on. Webinar attendees will learn innovative, playful ways to support Early Literacy and STEAM through programs, services, collections, and spaces.

ALSC is offering this webinar free of charge. During the webinar presentation, due to platform capacity, only the first 100 attendees to log in will be able to access the free webinar. However, all registrants will receive a direct link to the webinar archive post-webinar.

How to Register

Click here to register for this webinar.

Free Webinar: Early Literacy Outside the Library Walls

Ready for a change of scenery? Expand your current early literacy efforts by reaching children, parents, and caregivers who aren’t already coming to the library. We’ll learn how to use the five early literacy skills and outreach to help your library break down the walls of service and reach those who may not know they need it. Discover the tools and techniques to identify potential community partners, develop community relationships, and ways to share important library services.

ALSC is offering this webinar free of charge. During the webinar presentation, due to platform capacity, only the first 100 attendees to log in will be able to access the free webinar. However, all registrants will receive a direct link to the webinar archive post-webinar.

How to Register
Click here to register for this webinar.

Advocacy Day

Please find the schedule of legislative visits with our State Senators and Assemblymen/women. It is very important that our library voices are heard.
Print out your own copy 2017 Library Legislative Day Appointments

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2017 Library Advocacy Day Appointments”]

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2017 Library Advocacy Day Appointments”]

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