Hello World

Hello World–This Week In Tech & Youth Services

Hello World

Construction & Seed Grant

Do you have a fabulous idea of how to improve your library? Have you been dying to try out a new service or approach but don’t have the money to make it happen? Good news — the SALS’s Construction Challenge and Seed Grant applications are available. If you have an idea and need help refining it, determining objectives or just want to discuss your proposal, give Sara or Dianne a call. We’re eager to see all the cool stuff you’re planning on doing. The deadline for both grants is December 29, 2017.

Tips For Handling Cyberbullying and Internet Privacy for Children

An Update to include Protecting Children’s Privacy Online

Cyberbullying has become a real hot-button issue in recent years.  It could be happening in your library or to teens using your library.  A recent blog article by Julie Greller of A Media Specialist’s Guide to the Internet compiles a list of cyberbullying resource links that could come in handy if you are confronted with a cyberbullying situation.

A couple of sites that stand out from the list include:

  • TeensHealth.org — This site provides information about  a wide range of teen issues for both teens and parents.
  • Report Cyberbullies — As the title indicates, this resource tells you how to report cyberbullies and what information you need to do so.
  • Childnet.com — Childnet in an international non-profit organization helping to make the internet a great and safe place for children.
  • Comparitech.com— Protecting Children’s Privacy Online – A Guide for Parents, Carers and Educators
  • https://privacy.net/stop-isps-tracking-your-child/ –Guide to stopping ISPS and advertisers from gathering information on children