Be Creative in 2009 by Suggesting 2011 Slogan/2012 Theme

It is time to ask for suggestions for the upcoming CSLP Summer Reading Programs. We are looking for your 1 to 5 top suggestions for:
. 2011 World Culture/World Travel Children’s Slogan
. 2011 World Culture/World Travel Teen Slogan
. 2012 Theme

From these Karen Balsen will filter out 5 top choices from New York State. These will be included in the voting that takes place at the CSLP conference in April.

The slogan is the “catchy” phrase associated with that year’s theme.  Check the CSLP website for past slogans and themes.

Please have all suggestions in to Jennifer by February 19th by leaving a comment on this post or sending email.

Summer Reading & Graphic Novels Workshop with Michele Gorman

When: March 11, 2009
9:30 to 4 pm (full day)
Morning or Afternoon (1/2 day)

Saratoga Springs Public Library, Harry Dutcher Community Room

$30.00 (Includes lunch) 
SALS members and WSWHE librarians
costs will be covered by the SALS’ Continuing Education and the Lake Placid Educational Foundation grants.

Fill out and submit online form.  Send check payable to the Southern Adirondack Library attention Jennifer Ferriss.

Friday February 27th, 2009.  Space is limited so register early.


9:30-10 am Full day registration, introductions and Summer Reading announcements

10-11 am   Crafts, games, and more — One hour of hands on learning

11 am- noon Performers showcase:
Balloon Extravaganzas Certified Master Balloon Artist Daryl Baldwin: website

Caryn Tindal’s Dazzle dogs: website coming soon

World Awareness Children’s Museum: website

noon-1pm Lunch, networking with regional school & public librarians & 1/2 day registration

1 pm – 4 pm Michele Gorman, Using graphic novels to promote literacy in your library!

Michele Gorman is the Teen Services Coordinator for the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County in Charlotte NC. In addition to her job as the Teen Services Manager, Michele serves on the YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) Board of Directors and is a freelance writer and renowned national  speaker, certified by YALSA as a “Serving the Underserved” Trainer. She is the “Getting Graphic” Columnist for Library Media Connection and a “Teenage Riot” columnist for School Library Journal. Michele’s books include Getting Graphic! Comics for Kids, Getting Graphic! Using Graphic Novels to Promote Literacy with Preteens and Teens, and Connecting Young Adults and Libraries: A How to Do It Manual, 3rd Edition

“This workshop is supported in part by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institue of Museum and Library Services.”