Planning & Management of Buildings — Assessment Results

Participants of the September 2009 CPLA workshop, “Planning & Management of Buildings” presented by Cheryl Bryan, learned how to assess their current buildings and how to develop and implement building improvement projects.  As a result of this workshop and the current LSTA grant, library managers were asked to have three building assessment surveys filled out by a library staff member, a trustee, and a patron.  They were then asked to tell SALS how they implemented a change to their buildings based on the survey feedback.

Here are some of their stories

Digitizing Audio Workshop

CDLC is sponsoring a workshop on digitizing audio materials on March 24, 2010, 12:30-4:30 at CDLC.  Feel free to bring a bag lunch.  Cost is $17 for CDLC Digital Collections participants and CDLC Personal Members; $22 for staff of

CDLC member libraries; and $35 for non-members.

Registration deadline is March 19, 2010.
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