Digitizing Audio Workshop

CDLC is sponsoring a workshop on digitizing audio materials on March 24, 2010, 12:30-4:30 at CDLC.  Feel free to bring a bag lunch.  Cost is $17 for CDLC Digital Collections participants and CDLC Personal Members; $22 for staff of

CDLC member libraries; and $35 for non-members.

Registration deadline is March 19, 2010.
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Librarian’s Meeting

The annual Central Library meeting will be held on Wednesday March 10th at the Crandall Public Library in the Community Room.

All library staff are welcome.

Arrival and coffee begins at 9:30, meeting will begin at  10 am.

Topics of discussion will be:

  • Quick Overview of Reports with a discussion of how other libraries are using reports
  • OverDrive update; possibility of ordering e-books
  • Kathy Naftaly will discuss Crandall’s participation in 24/7 Reference
  • Discussion of use of volunteers at other libraries
  • ILL Services provided by Crandall to SALS libraries

Please RSVP to Jennifer Ferriss by Friday March 5th.