The Library Graphic Novel

The Miller Library at McPherson College in Kansas recently created a graphic novel, entitled Library of the Living Dead, that acts as a guide to the library’s resources.  It is a really unique way to grab teens’ attention and tell them about library resources and policies.  Check out Library of the Living Dead for inspiration for your own library graphic novel!

Teen Library Behavior 101 Recapped

If you missed SALS’ LSTA grant sponsored workshop, Teen Library Behavior 101 presented by Beth Gallaway, you will want to read on!  To start with, Beth asked everyone to think of one thing that we love about teens; this was a great positive exercise to begin with, and it set the tone for the afternoon.  Beth went on to give an informative presentation outlining how the development on the teenage brain is an underlying factor influencing teen behavior.  After learning about why teens act the way they do, the workshop focused on simple tips for handling teen behavior in the library.  To view the slide show presentation and other handouts from the workshop visit