Learn About B&T’s CATS

Join Marin Foster and Elizabeth Duffy at SALS to learn about Baker & Taylors’ Children and Teen Services (CATS)


CATS provides distinctive and reliable services for libraries around the world. A leader in supplying public and school library materials in print and digital formats, CATS has over 700,000 titles available for children and teen collections.

To keep up with the exciting world of libraries, books, authors, graphic novels, publishing, and teen movies, children’s music, conferences, and much more check out The CATS Meow. This monthly e-newsletter provides reviews, interviews, and a refreshing view of what is happening with CATS.

Collection development support is maintained by our staff librarians and with a multitude of notification services: Booking Ahead, First Look, Fast Facts, and more. DVDs, CDs, books, graphic novels, videogames, kits, electronic and downloadable formats are easily accessible using Baker & Taylor’s TitleSource3 (TS3) database. Materials can be delivered shelf-ready through the value-added services department.

Connecting Teens with YA Books

While the common belief is that teens don’t read anymore, they are in fact reading–just not books.  In her article, “Using Social Networking to Connect Teens with Young Adult Literature” in the May/June Public Libraries, Janet Hilbun states that “In fact, research shows that teens read constantly–text messages, e-mail, MySpace and Facebook, magazines, instant messages, websites, required school reading, and books.  Even teens who say they are non-readers or do not like to read spend a great deal of each day actually reading.”  So, connecting teens to books they might really enjoy means giving them the information in a way that best suites their reading style.Continue reading