Let’s Talk

SALS would like to introduce a new feature on our blog, a Let’s Talk series of blog articles contributed by librarians, library staff, and trustees.  Join in the conversation by sending us your articles and commenting on those that spark your interest.  We hope you all enjoy!

The first article in the series was contributed by SALS board member John Plantier.

Let’s Talk: Redefining Library “Circulation” — by John Plantier

Let’s redefine circulation by circulating better in our communities; telling people what their library is up to is a form of circulation.  We need to include people who decide budgets for sure, but we can surprise ourselves by reaching out to people who never dreamt of coming through the door. Continue reading

Storyskills Workshop

Guilderland Public Library 2228 Western Avenue (US Route 20), Guilderland, NY 12084 518.456.2400

8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Check-in and Networking
9:30 – 1:00 p.m. Workshop

National emphasis on early literacy and the parent’s role in preparing children for reading success is increasing. As funders and government agencies focus more resources on early literacy, public libraries need to develop staff skills and early literacy-based services to position the library as a key player. In this workshop, you will learn about research-based practices to help young children develop the skills they need before they learn to read. Included: • An introduction to the second edition of Every Child Ready to Read® (ECRR) @ your library®, a program based on the five early literacy practices of talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing. • Information about the importance of developing early literacy skills in children from birth to age five. • A preview of the ECRR workshop for parents and caregivers • Creating early literacy and learning spaces in your library We’ll also welcome local author/illustrator Matt McElligott (www.matthewmcelligott.com). Matt will join us to present his work in the context of early literacy. Book signing to follow!

The workshop is free for MVLS and UHLS library staff.
Non-MVLS/UHLS fee is $25.

Please email Sue or Mary to register before November 10th.
For more information contact: Mary Fellows, Upper Hudson Library System; 437-9880 ext. 228 mary@uhls.lib.ny.us or Sue Rokos, Mohawk Valley Library System, 355-2010 ext. 226 srokos@mvls.info