Community Marketing Campaign Workshop for Hamilton & Warren County Directors and Trustees

Hamilton and Warren County Library Directors and Trustees are invited to a Community Marketing Campaign Workshop on April 5, 2012  from 2:30 – 5 pm at the Chester Library.  The workshop will be presented by award winning library advocate and consultant, Libby Post.    Libby is best known in the SALS service area for her work with the CVW Long Lake Public Library (School District Public Library with sustainable funding).


As a result of attending this workshop, you and your board will be able to:

Develop community values based brand unique to your library

Understand what goes into developing a community marketing campaign

Determine how to best position your library as an essential service in your community.
This is an interactive workshop.  Please bring your questions, your library’s logo and the front page of your library’s web presence.

For more information about Libby,

Please let Sara know if you are able to attend this important workshop.

Overdrive news: DRM has been applied to select DRM-free eBooks.

From Overdrive, December 12, 2011:

From time to time, to support the needs of our supplying publishers, updates are made to the permissions associated with content or the format of content offered. In many cases, this results in content being available in formats with wider compatibility (MP3), while in other less frequent cases, permissions become more restrictive. Recently, an update has been made to select eBooks previously offered as DRM-free to add DRM. While DRM has now been applied, expansive print and copy permissions have also been enabled to permit the broadest use of the content by your patrons.

As always, our goal is to maintain a diverse catalog, while balancing the needs of both our library and publisher partners.



See Beyond the Page With BookDrum

Ever wonder about the setting of your favorite book?  Want to know more about the backdrops for some of the most popular stories of our time?  Check out BookDrum; this site is a growing wiki created by book lovers to help guide readers through a brief history of places mentioned in popular novels.  BookDrum currently maps out the settings of over 150 popular novels.  The site also includes book reviews, summaries, author bios and glossaries.