See Beyond the Page With BookDrum

Ever wonder about the setting of your favorite book?  Want to know more about the backdrops for some of the most popular stories of our time?  Check out BookDrum; this site is a growing wiki created by book lovers to help guide readers through a brief history of places mentioned in popular novels.  BookDrum currently maps out the settings of over 150 popular novels.  The site also includes book reviews, summaries, author bios and glossaries.

Let’s Talk

SALS would like to introduce a new feature on our blog, a Let’s Talk series of blog articles contributed by librarians, library staff, and trustees.  Join in the conversation by sending us your articles and commenting on those that spark your interest.  We hope you all enjoy!

The first article in the series was contributed by SALS board member John Plantier.

Let’s Talk: Redefining Library “Circulation” — by John Plantier

Let’s redefine circulation by circulating better in our communities; telling people what their library is up to is a form of circulation.  We need to include people who decide budgets for sure, but we can surprise ourselves by reaching out to people who never dreamt of coming through the door. Continue reading