LGBTQ Services for Rural Libraries

MacKenzie Ledley and Patricia Ringen of Pulaski County Public Library (Indiana) presented at the PLA Conference on LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered & Questioning) Services for Rural Libraries.  This was an extremely eye opening program that I knew I had to share with the SALS member libraries.

After a group of local teens asked Ledley if they could have their Gay Straight Alliance meetings at the library because the school would not allow them to meet on school grounds, she began to wonder if there was a need for LGBTQ materials in the library’s collection.  Ledley shared stories of how well received the new LGBTQ materials were received by patrons who were afraid to come out in their rural community, as well as the resistance she received from a few members of her board and community.   Fortunately, the library’s meeting room and collection policies backed both her decision to allow the teens to meet and for the somewhat controversial items to remain in the collection.  Continue reading

Harry Potter eBooks and eAudiobooks

At noon today, the Harry Potter series will be available to checkout (for those lucky 14 able to place a hold first) from Southern Adirondack Library on-Demand (SALON)

Want to listen or read the series too?  Please place a hold on the title.  You will only have 14 days to complete each book, so make sure you stagger your requests.
Continue reading

Washington County Campaign Workshop with Libby Post

Washington County Library Directors and Trustees are invited to a Community Marketing Campaign Workshop – Part 2 on April 10 from 2:00 – 4:30 pm at the Greenwich Library.  The workshop will be presented by award winning library advocate and consultant, Libby Post.    Libby is best known in the SALS service area for her work with the CVW Long Lake Public Library (School District Public Library with sustainable funding).

Being sustainable in this economy begins with good planning.  Learn what campaign planning is all about so that you and your supporters can craft the right message, contact the right voters and ultimately win on election day!

As a result of attending this workshop, you and your board will be able to:

Use your unique community values brand to set the tone and craft the right message

Understand what goes into developing a winning campaign even in this economy

Reach out to your community to get the best results


This is an interactive workshop.  Please bring your questions.  This workshop can also be used to help libraries gain community support and local funding support.


For more information about Libby,


Please let me know if you are able to attend this important workshop.

This is an interactive workshop.  Please bring your questions and publicity materials. For more information about Libby,