Creating the Future Implementation Strategies – Results from 2012 NYLA Conference

Library leaders came together at the 2012 New York Library Association’s annual conference to discuss the next steps for implementing New York’s statewide plan for library services, Creating the Future: A 2020 Vision and Plan for Library Services in New York State. 

Over 120 library leaders attended the program Creating the Future: Implementing the 2020 Vision and Plan on Friday, November 9. After initial remarks from chair of the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries, John Hammond, and State Librarian, Bernard A. Margolis, attendees were divided into groups based on library type. Groups included Library Systems, State Library/Special Libraries, Public Libraries, Academic and Research Libraries, School Libraries, and Technology and the Information Marketplace. This format allowed attendees to discuss recommendations from Creating the Future that directly related to their area of expertise with other leaders in their field. Continue reading

National Survey on Summer Reading Programs

Laurie C. Brooks, Associate Deputy Director of State Programs, The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), has asked the New York State Library to share information about an important summer reading survey.

IMLS is conducting a survey aimed at identifying the different types of summer reading programs available in public libraries across the country. The survey is being managed by PLA and promises to provide a wealth of new information about the characteristics of summer reading programs, the type of evaluative information that is gathered, and the resources needed to improve program efficacy.

Information about the effort along with a link to the survey instrument can be found at:

The New York State library encourages all public libraries to fill out this valuable survey.