Whether it be on a personal or professional level, most of us have had to figure out how to help an elderly person with issues like finding assisted living, health related questions, or retirement questions. A Place for Mom.com has a wealth of current information and resources on senior living, retirement, aging & health, and alzheimer’s & dementia. Stay up-to-date on trends and news relating to our aging population through the site’s easily digestible articles. Continue reading
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Library Accessibility –What You Need to Know
The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies, ASCLA, has a wealth of accessibility information on their website in the form of tips sheets. Each tip sheet is just a few pages long and contains basic information to help librarians in all types of libraries understand and manage access issues. Select a tip sheet below to view.
Assistive Technology
Autism & Spectrum Disorders
Children with Disabilities
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Developmental Disabilities
Learning Disabilities