The Library & Leadership Management Section (LAMS) of the New York Library Association is seeking candidates for a scholarship to attend NYLA’s Leadership & Management Academy 2015. NYLA’s Leadership & Management Academy is an educational program for mid-career library professionals interested in obtaining the practical knowledge critical to becoming a library leader.
This award covers the $800 tuition to the AcademyContinue reading
Saratoga County Bike to Work Day – May 16
Calling all Saratoga County commuters. Friday May 16 is Bike to Work Day. See how many co-workers you can rally to bike to work. Not only is biking good for your health, but it helps save gas. How many Saratoga County libraries can we get to register?
CDLC ILL Field Day: It’s Not Just ILL Anymore
•Get the latest news and developments about statewide ILL initiatives and CDLC programs
•Receive an update about NOVEL databases from the New York State Library Research Library Director
•Learn about a statewide demand-driven e-book pilot
•Hear directly from OCLC about the ILL platform migration to WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
Spend the day with your colleagues sharing ideas, learning from each other, and making new connections!
A full agenda is available here and via the CDLC web site.
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