Facebook Advertising: Getting Control

Yesterday I received a friendly email from Facebook about making Ads better and giving me more control.  I thought aha now I can get rid of those pesky ads that follow me around.  But then I stopped, took a breath and read.

There is a great video that I could not share directly here that explains how you can customize Facebook and see only the ads you want to see. Follow this link and watch the video.
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Lunch and Learn @ CDLC – Digital Preserveration

The program is “Backing Up and Moving Forward: Practical Preservation for Your Institution’s Digital Assets”.
Friday, June 20th, 2014
12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
CDLC Offices, 28 Essex Street, Albany

However, much that will be covered in this program can also be applied to personal digital assets, such as digital photographs. The program will be an overview of the topic – no experience necessary!

Bring your lunch and join the discussion. Program is free, but registration is required.

For more information and to register, visit http://bit.ly/SyOYlg