Free Webinar: 12 Ways to More Effective Marketing

12 Ways to More Effective Marketing
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 ? 2 pm Eastern ? 60 min
Marketing in libraries is often an afterthought rather than a priority embedded in planning. But times are changing! Community members now have more choices for books, information, entertainment and assistance. Don’t let your library become invisible due to perceived lack of time, money or marketing savvy. Jamie will help you think differently to achieve the basics of effective marketing without a ton of money or staff. From promotional videos to eye-catching emails, you’ll learn about marketing techniques and tools available to even the smallest of libraries. Discover simple ways to gain attention and increase attendance.
Presented by: Jamie Matczak, Nicolet Federated Library System, Wisconsin
Can’t attend the live session? Don’t worry. All webinars are archived and included in the WebJunction course catalog so you can watch when your schedule permits and receive a certificate of attendance.

FREE Webinar: Helping Patrons Meet Their Higher Education Goals

“How Do I Apply to College?” Helping Patrons Meet Their Higher Education Goals
Thursday, March 26, 2015 ? 1 pm Eastern ? 60 min
As information and education centers, libraries are an ideal place for patrons—teens and adults—to learn about higher education opportunities. What can you offer in response to patrons who are curious about college? If you or your staff feel flummoxed by college-related reference questions, this session will acquaint you with the different types of college-bound students, college-related resources to promote at your library, and ways to work with community partners on programs for each audience. Provide help for the many patrons who do not have access to pricey college prep programs and services. Learn how to initiate or enhance your reference services to help more people meet their higher education goals.
Presented by: Africa Hands, MA, MLIS, Academic Coordinator, University of Louisville
Can’t attend the live session? Don’t worry. All webinars are archived and included in the WebJunction course catalog so you can watch when your schedule permits and receive a certificate of attendance.
Visit for more information about WebJunction’s free online courses and webinars for all library workers and volunteers in New York State.

Congratulations to our 2015 Grant Recipients

The SALS Board of Trustees recognizes libraries in our region must keep up with change, incorporate new ideas and adapt both technology & space in order to provide and expand upon crucial library services.  For this reason, the SALS Board of Trustees initiated a competitive grant program to help member libraries continue to innovate and better serve their communities.

Congratulations to the Recipients of our 2015 Technology Grants:

Town of Ballston Community Library: Digital Literacy for Seniors project
Ballston Spa Public Library
: Digital Literacy for Seniors project
Crandall Public Library: Art & New Technology project
Galway Public Library: STEAM Makerspace project
Mechanicville District Public Library: Makerspace & Digital Literacy project

Congratulations to the Recipients of our 2015 Construction Grants:

Town of Ballston Community Library: Safety/Surveillance Cameras
Bolton Free Library
: Handicapped Accessibility & Entryway improvements
Galway Public Library: Handicapped Accessibility improvements
Hadley-Luzerne Public Library: Illuminated Sign & Book Drop Box addition
The Richards Library: Handicapped Accessibility improvements
Waterford Public Library: Reconfiguration & Re-purposing project

For a list of previous winners, click here.