Mobile Access and Gale Resources- FREE Webinar

More and more, users are turning to their mobile devices to communicate, get directions, tell time, view the constellations, listen to their favorite tunes – let’s get them using library resources too!  Gale’s Access My Library app allows users to access Gale resources provided by their library from anywhere!  This workshop will provide attendees with an overview of searching Gale resources on your mobile devices using Gale’s free Access My Library app.  You’ll discover ways to pull content from your Gale resources onto your device and take your research with you wherever you go.  A continuing education certificate will be provided upon completion.

Register HERE

JA Innovative Committee Meeting

The next meeting of the Joint Automation Council Innovation Committee will take place on Wednesday May 20, at 10:00am at Crandall Public Library.  

JA Innovation Committee Meeting Agenda, Wednesday May 20, 2015 10:00 AM
Special Meeting Location : Crandall Public Library


Review of Minutes of March 18th Meeting Minutes
JA Manager’s Report : Server Upgrades, Security Plan, RFID, Collection Agency Manager, LEAP, etc.
IUG/PUG Report
iPad Project Update
Networked Printing/Wireless Printing Options
Old/New Business
Crandall Library/LARAC 3D Printer Project Demonstration
Next Meeting

FREE Webinar: Gale’s New Responsive Design

In response to extensive user testing and usage data, Gale is introducing a number of enhancements to its most widely-used product lines (InfoTrac and In Context) including the optimization for mobile devices through responsive design. The adoption of a common design and toolset across all products will provide a unified experience as researchers move from one resource to the next, while other changes will enhance accessibility for those with disabilities and increase usability overall for desktop and mobile researchers. Join us for a webinar that will explore this new responsive design that provides an elegant user experience, supports user workflow, and improves performance. For a preview, check out A continuing education certificate will be provided upon completion of the webinar.

Register here