3M Cloud Library Presentation at SALS

Join us on Friday June 12th to learn how 3M Cloud Library can help your library improve service, reach eBook / eAudiobook users your library is not currently reaching and delight your patrons by dramatically improving the end-user experience.

Meeting agenda will cover the following:

*            Demonstration of the new, improved, highly intuitive 3M Cloud Library  app.

*            Overview of compelling data that shows how the addition of 3M Cloud Library  as an additional platform has helped libraries increase eBook circulation.

*            Outline of options for selected, participating SALS/MVLS/Upper Hudson member libraries to share content via 3M’s CloudLink  feature.

*            Review of the 3M Cloud Library  as viable alternative for eAudiobook content with over 40,000 titles currently available!

When: Friday June 12 at 10am

Where: Southern Adirondack Library System
Please RSVP by June 6 to: jferriss @ sals.edu and djannazzo @ mmm.com

Additional info below for a sneak preview….




JA Council Meeting

Next meeting will be held at 9:30 am at SALS.  Agenda and minutes can be found on the JA Intranet.

The Southern Adirondack Library System’s 57th Annual Meeting

The Southern Adirondack Library System’s 57th Annual Meeting
Fort William Henry Hotel and Conference Center

Meet and Greet:
  5:00 to 6:00 pm

Introductions:  6:00 to 6:30 pm

Plated Dinner:  6:30 to 7:30 pm

Business Meeting:  7:30  to 8:00 pm

  • Roll Call
  • SALS Service Awards
  • Library Program of the Year Awards
  • Library Trustee of the Year Awards
  • Election of Trustees
  • Central Library Report Director’s Report
  • Director’s Report

Program: Library and Trustee Trivia

Invitations were mailed – please RSVP by May 8, 2015