Practical Ideas for Raising Funds for Your Library-FREE Webinar

Beyond Books Sales: Practical Ideas for Raising Funds for Your Library

Tuesday, June 23, 2015– 2 pm Eastern– 60 min


It’s time to take a fresh look at ideas for raising funds for your library. Although book sales have been a standard library fundraiser, they take a lot of time and effort, with dwindling returns on investment in recent years. Whether considering new types of events or tried-and-true activities, you’ll learn the “12 Must-Know Facts About Fundraising.” Find out how to assess your library’s capacity for fundraising, enlist the right volunteers, engage the community, and create a sustainable plan to boost your library’s bottom line and raise visibility. With this strong foundation, libraries of any size can move into new directions to grow support for their libraries.

This webinar is hosted in collaboration with the Association for Rural and Small Libraries.

Presented by: Sue Hall, Director of Library Strategies

ALA’s Online Virtual Membership Meeting

Mark your calendar and register now.

You are invited to participate in ALA’s annual online Virtual Membership Meeting (VMM15) on Thursday, June 4, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. (EST). 

This interactive forum is a terrific opportunity for your voice to be heard by your ALA leadership and your colleagues. It is your chance to contribute, connect and engage! You will discuss topics of interest identified and ranked during the registration process, vote on proposed resolutions, and receive updates on ALA’s strategies and finances. Live captioning will be provided so that all registrants can participate.

Preregistration is required because the online meeting space is limited to 1,000 participants. Registration is now open and continues even after the meeting starts.

A dedicated VMM15 ALA webpage and the ALA Members group on ALA Connect each contain all relevant documents, including the Procedures Governing VMM, the Guidelines for Submission of Resolutions for VMM15 Meetings, plus plenty of opportunities for pre-meeting conversations via ALA Connect. Remember, only current ALA personal members may vote.

The meeting concludes promptly at 2:30 p.m. (CDT). The chat session will remain open for an additional 15 minutes to allow participants to wrap up their conversations.

PLS Scholarship Applications Due

NYLA’s Public Library Section (PLS) will award 5 scholarships for the 2015 NYLA Conference in Lake Placid! Applications are due June 30th; each award maximum is $1200, which includes registration, membership, travel, or other conference-related expenses.

For details on how to apply:    PLSScholarshipFlier2015