Grantseeking Basics Workshop in Saratoga

Grantseeking Basics                                                              September 2, 9 am to 4 pm

Spring Street Gallery, 110 Spring Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Visit for details and to register Topics include:

  • Researching and identifying grant opportunities
  • Approaching and developing relationships with grantmakers prior to applying
  • Planning programs and budgets before writing grants
  • Preparing information and materials typically required in grant applications
  • Tracking and following-up grant applications after they are submitted

Cost: discount rate = $95 per person (regular rate = $125), includes lunch and training materials and documents that organizations may customize for their use. Off-street parking available.

Pre-registration is required. Click here<> for details and to register

2015 State of Grantseeking: Free Webinar

FREE The 2015 State of Grantseeking: Trends from the Report (NEW)

Who will fund my organization? What is a reasonable level of funding to expect for my organization? Does my budget, location, or mission focus affect my organization’s ability to be awarded grants? What are the recent trends in grantseeking, and how can I use knowledge of those trends to my organization’s advantage? The 2015 State of Grantseeking™ Report, underwritten by the Grant Professionals Association and Altum/PhilanTech, was made possible by the participation of the 1,824 respondents. We hope that the trends, information, and benchmarks discussed in the presentation will assist you in your good work. Join Ellen Mowrer, GrantStation’s Director of Business Analysis, to learn about the recent survey results and to find out how to take part in the Fall 2015 Survey. This no-cost webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 18, 2015. Visit the link above to register.

Apps Across Curriculum and Platforms to Support Struggling Learners

Apps Across Curriculum and Platforms to Support Struggling Learners:
Monday, August 17th, 2015 – 3:00pm to 4:30pm EDT
Learn more & RSVP for the webinar

Accompanying CTD Institute Course:
How do you support struggling learners on all of these devices, using free and low cost Apps & AT solutions?
Diana Petschauer is leading this 3 week, in-depth, online learning module focusing on the most important assistive technology tools for ensuring success for all learners on all devices! Complete the full course and earn 1.5 RESNA CEUs.
Learn More……