Blending Scholastic GO! with Common Core, Social Studies Framework, and the C3 Inquiry Arc

September 23, 2015, 3:30pm

Blending Scholastic GO! with Common Core, Social Studies Framework, and the C3 Inquiry Arc

Scholastic is hosting customized NOVELNY training sessions to help NOVELNY users optimize their use of Scholastic GO!’s resources to best support their Common Core, Social Studies Framework (SSF), and Inquiry instruction with students and in support of teachers. The session will focus on Common Core’s key aspects, ranging from Primary Resources, Information Text and Vocabulary to Deeper Evidenced Based Research, Text Complexity and Point of View, SS Framework, C3 Inquiry Arc, and how best to incorporate these core objectives via Scholastic GO! into schools and public libraries.

Please register at

Event password: fall

Call in number: 1-866-422-5206
Participant code: 2238180846

Beyond the Intro to GO!- Free Webinar

September 15, 2015, 3:00pm

Beyond the Intro to GO!

Now that you know how to use GO – let’s learn how to utilize and elevate learning in your libraries. Learn how to promote the regular use of Scholastic GO with parents, teachers, students, all the communities you serve. Activities that will help create and build digital reading stamina as well as promote the regular use of Scholastic GO in the lives of your teachers, students, and library patrons.

Please register at

Event password: fall

Call in number: 1-866-422-5206
Participant code: 2238180846

Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know- LITA Webinar

Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know – 2, with Steven Bowers, A.J. Million, Elliot Polak and Ken Varnum
Offered: November 2, 2015, 1:00 pm Central Time
We’re all awash in technological innovation. It can be a challenge to know what new tools are likely to have staying power ­­and what that might mean for libraries. The 2014 LITA Guide, Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know, highlights a selected set of technologies that are just starting to emerge and describes how libraries might adapt them in the next few years. In this fast paced hour long webinar, join the authors of three chapters as they talk about their technologies and what they mean for libraries. Those chapters covered will be

  • Impetus to Innovate: Convergence and Library Trends, with A.J. Million
  • The Future of Cloud-Based Library Systems with Elliot Polak & Steven Bowers
  • Library Discovery: From Ponds to Streams with Ken Varnum


    • LITA Member: $45
    • Non-Member: $105
    • Group: $196
