Disaster Preparedness for Libraries

Do you have a plan for how to handle the damage created by a broken pipe and the ensuing flood in your library?  Who will you call for help?  How will you save your materials and what takes priority?  These are just a few of the questions you can have answers on hand for by creating a disaster preparedness plan for your library.  We all like to think that it will never happen, but it doesn’t hurt to be ready just in case.

To get started with your plan, the California Preservation Program created a template that can be modified to suit any library.  The template is quite in depth, but filling in just the first few pages with information on who to call and when is a good place to begin.Continue reading

Summer Reading Program Workshop

The annual hands on activity and performers’ showcase.  Share ideas for the 2011 Summer Reading in NY Libraries program “One world many stories” and “You are here.”

In the afternoon, Beth Gallaway, The Information Goddess,  a national teen consultant will explain why teens act the way they do in the library.
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