What’s New in Polaris 3.3 Webinars



These are the same sessions that were offered last month at SALS and MVLS, but are being repeated for anyone who was unable to attend.  Notes from the previous sessions have been posted on the JA Intranet.

These webinars are being offered at the Town of Ballston Community Library in Burnt Hills only:

• August 15th 1-4pm at BUR – Introduction to New Polaris 3.3 Functionality – Part I webinar (see description below)
• August 16th 1-4pm at BUR – Introduction to New Polaris 3.3 Functionality – Part II webinar (see description below)

Please contact Michele via email at michele@sals.edu to sign up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michele or computersupport@sals.edu.

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SALS Survey Results

As part of the SALS Long Range Plan, member library staff and trustees are asked to complete an annual survey of SALS’ Services.   People are asked to evaluate our services by use, value and satisfaction.  The SALS Board will use the results to develop the next year’s system budget.   Please click here to read the Executive Summary.  If you wish to view the entire survey, please click on the link at the bottom of the Executive Summary.

We thank everyone who took the time to help evaluate our services.  Sara 

SALS Welcomes Jill Ryder

SALS is pleased to announce that Jill Ryder accepted the position of General Services Librarian.  Jill’s primary responsibility is working with the Techncial Services department importing MARC records, orders and original and copy cataloging.  As part of our professional team, she will meet with our member library staff and trustees to help support their efforts to evaluate local library needs and create effective services for their communities. 

Jill has earned her MS in Information Science and Policy from SUNY Albany with an Undergaduate degree in English from the College of St. Rose.  Her last position was in the NYS Attorney General’s Department of Law Library.

Jill looks forward to meeting you soon.  In the meantime she can be reached by email: jryder@sals.edu or extension x216.