SALS is offering 4 training sessions to learn about what is new in the Polaris 3.3 upgrade. This will be a general overview using MVLS/SALS’ data, policies and procedures. Acquisitions training will be announced soon.
Category Archives: SALS News
POLARIS Enhancement Voting Begins
No special weight is assigned based on the order in which the votes are cast, i.e. a vote in the #1 position on a ballot has no more weight than the #4 position in the same category.
Please return your ballot by courier (MVLS), fax (355-0674) or email ( to Kathy Insero at MVLS by Monday September 10, 2007.
Votes are tabulated and the enhancement lists are sent to Polaris for response by the annual meeting. (October 4-7, 2007). Voting results will be posted on the Polaris Extranet at 2007 Ballot Summary.
Thanks for participating in the PUG 2007 Enhancements process!
What’s New in Polaris 3.3 Webinars
These are the same sessions that were offered last month at SALS and MVLS, but are being repeated for anyone who was unable to attend. Notes from the previous sessions have been posted on the JA Intranet.
These webinars are being offered at the Town of Ballston Community Library in Burnt Hills only:
• August 15th 1-4pm at BUR – Introduction to New Polaris 3.3 Functionality – Part I webinar (see description below)
• August 16th 1-4pm at BUR – Introduction to New Polaris 3.3 Functionality – Part II webinar (see description below)
Please contact Michele via email at to sign up.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michele or