Friends Networking Meeting Follow-up

22 Friends, directors and library staff representing 9 libraries in the SALS service area met at the Clifton-Park Halfmoon library on October 22nd, 2008.  As a result of the meeting, a list of ideas was generated based on four topics: Why start a Friends group, Advocacy, Fundraising, Programs & Activities.  Continue reading

Friends Networking Get Together

Friends Networking Get Together

October 22, 2008

10 am to Noon
(optional 9:30 am tour of the library)

Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library
Program Rooms A&B

475 Moe Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065
518 371-8622

RSVP to Jennifer Ferriss by October 5, 2008
email:, phone: 518 584-7300 x219

Join other SALS Friends group members, trustees and library staff to share ideas about:

  • How to form a Friends Group
  • Fundraising
  • Advocacy: Friends, Trustees and library staff working together to meet community needs
  • Programs, Services, Events and Partnerships

After the workshop the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library Friends will be available for further discussion. A list of local restaurants will be available so the conversations can continue over lunch. Refreshments will be served.

It Is All About Timing

Hi everyone,

After 29 years at SALS, I am going to retire. My last day in the office will be September 5.

I’m happy that I still have a few more weeks to work with you all. Your dedication inspires me and makes this job special. I will miss the friends I’ve made and the good times we’ve had together.

Happy trails,

Please save the date:

On Friday September 5, 2008 at 2 pm we will be having a party at SALS in honor of Elaine Baker’s retirement.

More information will follow next week. We hope you can join us.