Time to retire 365’ers

It is hard to believe we have been on POLARIS for five years.  When we migrated to Polaris, libraries needed to purchase new computer equipment with Windows capabilities in order to access the new ILS.  Those machines are referred to as 365.  It is time to retire those machines and purchase new state of the art computers that have up-to-date software and hardware.

At the February 16, 2010 SALS Board meeting, the board voted to make funds available for libraries that need to purchase new staff computer equipment.  It has always been recommended that libraries replace their computers every three to four years.  If a library is unable to budget the full replacement cost, SALS will purchase one staff computer per library per year and offer a repayment schedule of the cost of the computer divided by a maximum length of 24 months.
1)  Library contacts SALS and submits a request for the new staff computer, with or without monitor on library letterhead.
2) SALS will purchase the equipment that is currently recommended by the JA with the next group order.
3) Libraries will be expected to make a monthly repayment to SALS.
SALS would prefer that the order is concurrent with the JA group orders.  Only on an emergency basis, an order will be placed between group orders.
FYI, the JA does have some spare loaner computers to help bridge the time between the order and the delivery of the new machine.
Please contact either Jill Martz or Sara Dallas for more information.

Privacy Rights in a Digital Age

Join the Director of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Barbara Jones, to learn about a new ALA initiative that invites library users into a national conversation about privacy rights in a digital age. This session will explore how libraries can assist patrons in thinking critically and making more informed choices about their information privacy. Choose Privacy Week, a week-long awareness campaign and celebration, will take place May 2-8, 2010, and Barbara will be showcasing some of ALA’s ideas and promotional materials.

The same workshop will be presented in 2 sessions. Please indicate which session you will attend, when you RSVP.

Session 1:
Thursday March 11th, 2010 6 pm to 8 pm in the Holden Room of the Crandall Public Library

Session 2:
Friday March 12th, 2010 9 am to 11 am in the Harry Dutcher Community Room of the Saratoga Springs Public Library

Seating is limited.   Please RSVP by March 8th to Jennifer Ferriss