Why So Few eBooks?

Ever wonder why there are so few titles available as eBooks in our catalog?  The answer is simple, but the solution is not. Many publishers (Macmillan Publishing, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Group, Brilliance Audio, and Hachette Book Group) will not sell or license eBooks to libraries.

Your library can purchase a title from one of the above publishers in various formats – large or regular print, hard copy or paperback or even on a CD. However, the publishers will not sell the eBook to the library. The publishers are treating eBooks differently due to something call digital rights management (DRM) or digital rights content.

What can we do as consumers?  Let the publishers know we are disappointed with their decision not to sell their eBooks to libraries.  Write to the publishers, spread the word throughout our communities, put up signs in our libraries, post  messages on our websites,  be proactive.  Make a call, send an email (contact information below) to the publishers not selling eBooks to libraries.

As a profession, we should begin looking at the Digital Rights Management, the copyright law, among other avenues that will allow libraries to lend digital items in the same manner as the physical item.    I contend, that eContent is simply another format.

Macmillan Publishing  – customerservice@mpsvirginia.com  (212) 226-7521

Simon & Schuster-  simonandschuster.com/about/contact_us  (212) 698-7000

Hachette Book Group- customer.service@hbgusa.com (212) 364-1100

Penguin Group – ecommerce@us.penguingroup.com  (212) 366-2000

Brilliance Audio – libsales@brillianceaudio.com (616) 846-5256

OverDrive and updated Apple devices iOS 5/iTunes 10.5

Apple recently released a new upgrade for the operating system that runs on their mobile devices (iOS 5). This upgrade breaks compatibility with the OverDrive software on Windows computers. If any patrons have problems with their devices and request assistance with an Apple device and errors they’re receiving – this may be the cause.

OverDrive is aware of the problem and are working to fix it, but until an update for their software is available there are currently no solutions.

Apple mobile device users that simply use the OverDrive app downloaded from the iTunes app store should not experience any problems.

Executive Summary of SALS 2010 Survey Responses

Library staff and trustees were asked to complete a satisfaction and use survey as required by the SALS Plan of Service 2007-2010.  Fifty-one people began the survey.  Here are some of the survey highlights.

100% of the respondents are satisfied with our services.

SALS services rated the most used and most valued:

  • Delivery and resource sharing among the membership
  • Polaris and Polaris Support
  • Continuing Education and Consulting
  • Administration and Advocacy

Chart 1 – Use and Value of SALS services

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