The Critical Partnership: Public Library Trustees and Directors

Jerry Nichols will present a review of the roles and responsibilities of public library Trustees and the Library Director. How to hire the best person for your Library. How to get the most out of the partnership. Best practices in performance evaluation of your Director and your Board. And how to end the relationship legally, ethically, and professionally.

Join us at SALS where we can continue the discussion after the webinar.

New Kid’s/Teen eContent Website

The SALON eContent website has expanded its services with a new digital collection website experience just for kids / teens. The main digital collection,, now has a separate site to provide a safe and easy browsing experience for kids / teens.

This appealing and user-friendly page contains eBooks and audiobooks. Browsing can be done by subject, reading level or interest level. Check this page out now.

The Kid’s /Teen Collection site filters the overall digital collection to just show Children’s and Young Adult content, which gets kids / teens to the titles they want faster! This new service, powered by OverDrive, is free for users with a library card. Digital titles are available anytime, anywhere and expire automatically, so no need to worry about late fees.

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About OverDrive
OverDrive is a leading multichannel digital distributor of eBooks, digital audiobooks, music and video. We supply a secure lending platform for 22,000 libraries, schools and retailers worldwide with support for all major computers and devices, including iPhone®, iPad®, Nook®, Android™ phones and tablets, and Kindle® (U.S. only). OverDrive has been named to the EContent 100 as a company that matters most in the digital content industry and is a member of the 2012 Technology Fast 500. Founded in 1986, OverDrive is based in Cleveland.