Congratulations to our 2015 Grant Recipients

The SALS Board of Trustees recognizes libraries in our region must keep up with change, incorporate new ideas and adapt both technology & space in order to provide and expand upon crucial library services.  For this reason, the SALS Board of Trustees initiated a competitive grant program to help member libraries continue to innovate and better serve their communities.

Congratulations to the Recipients of our 2015 Technology Grants:

Town of Ballston Community Library: Digital Literacy for Seniors project
Ballston Spa Public Library
: Digital Literacy for Seniors project
Crandall Public Library: Art & New Technology project
Galway Public Library: STEAM Makerspace project
Mechanicville District Public Library: Makerspace & Digital Literacy project

Congratulations to the Recipients of our 2015 Construction Grants:

Town of Ballston Community Library: Safety/Surveillance Cameras
Bolton Free Library
: Handicapped Accessibility & Entryway improvements
Galway Public Library: Handicapped Accessibility improvements
Hadley-Luzerne Public Library: Illuminated Sign & Book Drop Box addition
The Richards Library: Handicapped Accessibility improvements
Waterford Public Library: Reconfiguration & Re-purposing project

For a list of previous winners, click here.

Library Program of the Year Nominations due March 27th

Nominations for the Library Program of the Year Awards are due on March 27th.  A program may be nominated by the library, by a community member, or by a Trustee.  The winners will be honored at the SALS 57th Annual meeting on May 18th, 2015.  Two awards will be given.  One program per library will be considered.  The SALS Library Services Committee is responsible for the selection of the award recipients.
Eligibility Requirements:

  • Program must have been initiated during the 2014 calendar year.
  • Any program—adult, outreach, young adult, children, community services or public relations is eligible.
  • Selection is based on programs that have demonstrated creativity and innovation, demonstrated community partnerships, enhanced services to the community, or reached a previously unserved constituency.
  • Program must have pursued excellence in library services and sought to have the library make a difference in the community.

The program being nominated should be described on library letterhead and accompanied by any supporting materials.  Nominations by e-mail or fax will not be accepted.  The nomination must be received at SALS on March 27th before 4:30 PMAttention: Sara Dallas.

Last year’s winners included:  Stony Creek Free Library for their Joe McChesney Showcase and Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library for their program The Holocaust Revisited: A Retrospective Review.
This year’s winners will be announced at the April 21st, 2015 SALS Board Meeting.  Awards consist of a framed certificate honoring the library’s achievements and a financial award to the library.  In the event that a representative from an award-winning library is not present at the Annual Meeting, the certificate will be given to the library’s Board President for presentation at the library’s next Board Meeting.

Trustee of the Year Nominations due March 27th

The Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS) Board of Trustees has approved the Trustee of the Year Awards, and wishes to recognize the hard work and devotion of Trustees in our member libraries.  Last year’s recipients were Susan Jennings of Richards Library and Loretto Hosley of CV Whitney Long Lake Public Library in honor of their above & beyond involvement and support.

An individual may be nominated by the Library Director or a Trustee.  The nomination should be submitted on library letterhead and accompanied by any supporting materials.  Nominations by e-mail or fax will not be accepted.
Nominees should meet the following Eligibility Requirements:

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of a SALS member library for the 2014 calendar year
  • Initiated service(s), program(s) or community involvement on behalf of the library
  • Demonstrated exemplary leadership characteristics
  • Pursued excellence in the library and sought to have the library make a difference in the community

One Trustee per library will be considered, and the SALS Personnel Committee will select two award recipients.  Winners will be announced at the April 21st, 2015 SALS Board Meeting, and the awards will be presented at the SALS 57th Annual Meeting on May 18th.  The award consists of a framed certificate honoring the recipient’s achievements; there will not be a financial award.  In the event that the award recipient is not present at the Annual Meeting, the certificate will be given to the library’s Board President for presentation at the library’s next Board meeting.  The nomination must be received at SALS before 4:30 pm, March 27th, 2015,  Attention:  Sara Dallas.