Welcome Erica Freudenberger

SALS is happy to announce that Erica Freudenberger began working at SALS in November.

Erica’s responsibilities include working with libraries in our region to develop an adult literacy plan, implement the NYS Adult Literacy Grant on workplace development, work with the local jails and correctional institutions among other outreach ventures.  To learn more about Erica, please take a look at the information published by Library Journal or just email her and schedule a time to meet.


SALS Library Seed and Construction Grants

The SALS Board of Trustees recognizes libraries must rethink current library services, incorporate new ideas and utilize & adapt library buildings to provide updated, relevant support to their communities.

Both grants are due Saturday December 31, 2016

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Final Report: SALS 2016 PoS

This planning process was designed to provide staff and trustees from all of the member libraries with multiple ways to participate in the identification of the priorities to be included in the SALS Plan of Service 2017-2021.

The full document is available in PDF format.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://salsblog.sals.edu/wp-content/uploads/sals_final_report_7-1-16-for-web.pdf”]