Libraries Mean Business: Tools for Trainers

What can libraries do for small business? Plenty!

If you’re interested in working with small business and entrepreneurial enterprises in your community, come learn more about this grant program. SALS will be collaborating with local chambers of commerce, economic development councils, and SCORE in order to accomplish two things:

  1. Assist local small businesses and entrepreneurs
  2. Raise awareness of the business-related resources, assistance, and support our libraries provide

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Polaris Upgrade March 7-March 8 2017

Beginning at about 9:15 pm on 3/7 and until the upgrade is complete:

  • Polaris as well as all related and dependent products (SIP for self-checks, PAC, Reports, Cassie authentication) will be completely unavailable. 
  • Some features (log in,checkout, download and renewal) for digital resources (OverDrive, cloudLibrary, Freegal, Freading and Zinio) will also be unavailable.   

SALS/MVLS Top Titles Purchased in 2016

Below are the top circulating titles for materials that were purchased in 2016 for both MVLS and SALS libraries.  This does not necessarily reflect the top circulating titles of 2016, (Girl on the Train is probably still #1) but its still interesting data.
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