SALS Emergency Board Meeting
Tue, Jun 2, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 354-019-781
Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
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Meeting ID: 354 019 781
Or dial directly: 354019781@ or
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Category Archives: SALS News
Leaving Our Fingerprints on History

Help make history by sharing your story of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as we relied on information about the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1917-1918 to inform our response to COVID-19, future generations may benefit from understanding what we experienced. By collecting your stories, we become witnesses-to-history, providing insight into daily life during this global pandemic and adding to the historic record.
How can you get involved? Please take some time to fill out this form — and feel free to share with your friends, family members, and neighbors — the more people participate, the better understanding we’ll have of the impact of COVID-19.