Let’s talk about your experiences getting money to support library programs.
As a resource, SALS compiled a list of organizations that regularly award funds to public libraries.Continue reading
Category Archives: SALS News
Astound your users with your Readers’ Advisory skills!
Mike James from EBSCO Information Services will review all features of NOVELIST, the SALS/MVLS Readers’ Advisory database that is integrated into the POLARIS public access catalog. No preregistration is required. The workshop will be held at SALS on Tuesday, October 24 from 1:30 to 3:30.
SALS Plan of Service to be approved on September 19
SALS Board approved the SALS Plan of Service for 2006-2011 at the September 19 meeting. The meeting was held at the Great Camp Sagamore in Raquette Lake. The plan is based on data we collected from our members as part of our Making Choices Federal LSTA grant project. The documents used and data gathered are listed below:
Draft of SALS Plan of Service 2006-2011
Spreadsheet listing SALS services as of June 2006. Each service is on a separate spreadsheet, scroll down or print to read.
Making Choices Report Sandra Nelson’s report and recommendations based on data collected from member libraries.
Developing Budgets that Reflect Real Costs Workshop handouts