College Majors, Unemployment and Earnings — Resource for Prospective College Students

A recent Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce report concludes that college remains the best alternative for young workers with one caveat: not all majors are created equal and some majors offer substantially better employment prospects than others.  The report entitled, Hard Times: Not All College Degrees Are Created Equalis a nice informational packet to share with prospective college students and parents seeking information at your library.

Brainfuse JobNow

JobNow is an innovative online service that provides expert resume help, real-time interview coaching and career advice. There are services to help with every step of a job search. The Adult Learning Center features test preparation (including GED and U.S. citizenship preparation), writing assistance, and study tools for math, reading and writing. Live, online one-on-one interaction with a tutor or job coach is available as part of JobNow and the Adult Learning Center. Live sessions can be conducted in English or Spanish. JobNow is made possible through a federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) award funded through the New York State Education Department/New York State Library. For more information, click here. JobNow is available through your library’s databases page; so, start exploring and promoting this great resource!