Building a Home Library – Ages birth to 14 years

The ALA-Children’s Book Council (CBC) Joint Committee, with cooperation from ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee, have updated the 4 Building a Home Library bibliographies. The book selections help guide parents and caregivers on assembling a high quality home library for children.  The lists include “tried and true” classics, hidden gems, multicultural selections and new and notable reads.

Please note that the Committee has provided two versions of each bibliography, a bi-fold and a one page doubled-sided (OPDS). For either version you must select for your printer to print in landscape form as a double-sided sheet. These settings can be found under “Properties” when the print menu appears after you select “Print”.

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Summer Reading Resources for Adults

Summer reading programs at the library are usually associated with children’s programming—but with Goodreads and OCLC’s help, you can continue to engage your adult reading population and strengthen your online community.

Help your library gain visibility with readers on Goodreads, the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Your library can create a Goodreads group and help local Goodreads members find out about all the great things you have in store for them this summer. Learn more in this recorded Webinar for librarians.

The super simple way to empower adult readers this summer? Create reader’s advisory lists online at Goodreads or, and share it out. Readers will find new titles they love in no time—thanks to your library!Continue reading

Adult Literacy Programming for Public Libraries

Are you interested in doing something with adult literacy at your library but not sure where to start? Supporting Adult Literacy in Public Libraries ( is a FREE resource to assist in supporting and starting adult literacy programs in public libraries.  This website includes information on why public libraries are perfect for supporting adult literacy, success stories from libraries that have implemented programs and information about working with adult learners.  In the “Program Toolkit” portion of the website, there is an outline of all the steps involved in connecting with Adult Literacy programs in your area, building a literacy collection, finding potential tutors, setting up tutor training, advertising for learners, doing assessments, learner placement, tutoring session logistics and keeping track of learners and tutors.Continue reading