TASC and Poverty Awareness Workshop for Library Staff

Please join me at the Greenwich Free Library on March 2nd beginning at 9:30 am. Krista Conrick, Program Manager for Adult Literacy at WSHWE will lead both presentations.  Come for one or both sessions.



Come have your questions answered about TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) aka the former GED test.

Please arrive around 9:15 am to settle in and talk to your colleagues. The 1 hour session will begin at 9:30 am.

All library staff and volunteers are welcome.


Poverty Awareness:

Hidden below their beautiful surfaces, our communities struggle with issues of poverty.   This workshop examines the reality of poverty in our area and helps us learn effective responses to people of all backgrounds.  Come to develop strategy and skill in showing that we value the worth of all individuals.

Session will begin at 10:45 am


RSVPs are appreciated; please email Jennifer Ferriss by Monday February 23, 2015 with the staff names and an email so that I can reach everyone in case of a snow cancellation.  Please let me know which workshop you will attend or if you plan on attending both sessions.


Free Webinar: Dealing With Debt

When it comes to doing programs or answering questions about money, one of the most common topics library staff face is how to deal with debt. About 80 percent of Americans carry at least one type of debt. And although the total debt carried by Americans has edged downward since the 2008 recession, it is starting to creep back up. In our next webinar, we will discuss how library staff can better discuss:

  • Dealing with the debt patrons have
  • What to consider when taking on more debt
  • Examining the costs of and alternatives to high-cost credit
  • Ways to reduce their debt
  • Tools and resources to attack student debtContinue reading

September is National Preparedness Month

The 2014 National Preparedness Month theme is: “Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare.” NPM will culminate with National PrepareAthon! Day on September 30. Throughout the month of September, the NPM website will offer valuable preparedness information to raise awareness about disasters and encourage participation on the last day of the campaign on National PrepareAthon! Day. Here are some of the resources available on the NPM website to help you get started: