FREE Webinar: Helping Patrons Meet Their Higher Education Goals

“How Do I Apply to College?” Helping Patrons Meet Their Higher Education Goals
Thursday, March 26, 2015 ? 1 pm Eastern ? 60 min
As information and education centers, libraries are an ideal place for patrons—teens and adults—to learn about higher education opportunities. What can you offer in response to patrons who are curious about college? If you or your staff feel flummoxed by college-related reference questions, this session will acquaint you with the different types of college-bound students, college-related resources to promote at your library, and ways to work with community partners on programs for each audience. Provide help for the many patrons who do not have access to pricey college prep programs and services. Learn how to initiate or enhance your reference services to help more people meet their higher education goals.
Presented by: Africa Hands, MA, MLIS, Academic Coordinator, University of Louisville
Can’t attend the live session? Don’t worry. All webinars are archived and included in the WebJunction course catalog so you can watch when your schedule permits and receive a certificate of attendance.
Visit for more information about WebJunction’s free online courses and webinars for all library workers and volunteers in New York State.

TASC and Poverty Awareness Workshops for Library Staff and Volunteers

Please join me at the Greenwich Free Library on March 2nd beginning at 9:30 am. Krista Conrick, Program Manager for Adult Literacy at WSHWE will lead both presentations. Come for one or both sessions.

Come have your questions answered about TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) aka the former GED test.
Please arrive around 9:15 am to settle in and talk to your colleagues. The 1 hour session will begin at 9:30 am.
All library staff and volunteers are welcome.

Poverty Awareness:
Hidden below their beautiful surfaces, our communities struggle with issues of poverty. This workshop examines the reality of poverty in our area and helps us learn effective responses to people of all backgrounds. Come to develop strategy and skill in showing that we value the worth of all individuals.
Session will begin at 10:45 am

RSVPs are appreciated; please email Jennifer Ferriss by Monday February 23, 2015 with the staff names and an email so that I can reach everyone in case of a snow cancellation. Please let me know which workshop you will attend or if you plan on attending both sessions.


Free Webinar: Inclusive Information Access: Assistive Technology in Action

Wednesday, February 18, 11:00AM-12:00PM PST

Does your library technology accommodate users with disabilities? From public access technology to online resources, libraries must be sensitive to the needs of all users, especially those who may not be able to fully access information using traditional technology.

Join us for this free TechSoup for Libraries webinar [2] to learn what libraries have done to create a more inclusive technology environment.
Assistive technology is the software, peripherals, and specialized devices that help connect disabled individuals with information and communication.
Hear how these libraries have played a key role in allowing disabled patrons to fully participate in and benefit from digital technology.

* Nancy Murillo is Director of the Pittsburg – Camp County Library (TX),
where she recently implemented a new all-in-one assistive technology
computer in partnership with the East Texas Lighthouse for the Blind.
* Clay Ragan is the Director of the Computer Training Bridge at the Forsyth
County Library (NC), where they have assistive technology stations located
in branches throughout the system.

This webinar will be recorded and archived on the TechSoup for Libraries website. Please register to receive an email notification when the archive is available.

Registration Link: [3]