Books for Your LGBTQ Audience: A Library Journal Webcast

Join Bold Strokes Books and Riptide Publishing to hear about trends and the latest titles for patrons interested in LGBTQ materials. Romance, erotica, mystery, and fantasy: these publishers will cover the spectrum of hot upcoming titles for LGBTQ readers from YA to adult, allowing you to stock your shelves with don’t-miss titles that patrons will clamor for. You’ll also hear more about Library Journal’s recent coverage for the community as well.

Ruth Sternglantz – Editor, Editor and eMarketing Consultant, Bold Strokes Books
Ruth Sternglantz has spent her professional life studying stories and loving books, as both academic and editor. Since 2004, she’s edited queer fiction for Bold Strokes Books. A medievalist by training, she loves everything about old texts but believes there’s nothing quite like the privilege and responsibility of working with (living) writers and making new books.

Sarah Frantz Lyons – Editorial Director, Riptide Publishing
Sarah Frantz is Editoral Director at Riptide Publishing. Before joining Riptide, she was a tenured professor of English literature at Fayetteville State University and reviewed m/m and BDSM romance for the popular review site Dear Author. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, edited two academic anthologies, is founder and past president of the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance, and has published academic articles on Jane Austen, J.R. Ward, Suzanne Brockmann, Joey W. Hill, and popular romance fiction.

Ashleigh Williams, Columnist, Library Journal

Presented by: Bold Strokes Books, Riptide Publishing & Library Journal
Visit HERE to register.

Summer Reading Programs for Adults: FREE Webinar

The California Library Association Presents
Summer Reading Programs for Adults, Hosted by Infopeople
Presenters: Morgan Pershing and Heather Cousin

If you’re not planning to offer an Adult Summer Reading Program, WHY NOT? Adults are people, too, and having a Summer Reading Program is a great way to show them your library cares. Did you know participants in Adult Summer Reading Programs:

  • Have families who also participate?
  • Are looking for ways to stay active and involved?
  • Become library advocates?
  • VOTE for Library funding?

Now that you know why you should have a program, join Santa Clara City Library Librarian, Morgan Pershing and Simi Valley Public Library Director, Heather Cousin, as they share the nuts and bolts of creating a successful Adult Summer Reading Program at your library. During the webinar, Morgan and Heather will discuss:

  • How to start a program for first timers, including how to encourage your administrators and fellow staff to support your effort
  • How to enhance your existing program
  • How to develop affordable programming
  • How to target adults

This webinar will be of interest to Adult Services Librarians and anyone curious about Adult Summer Reading Programs.

Visit HERE to register

What’s New in Young Adult Literature: FREE Webinar

  • Are you familiar with the latest trends in young adult literature?
  • Are you looking for new authors?
  • Do you need a list of the latest “hot” YA books?
  • Do you want recommendations for the best adult and New Adult titles for YAs?

The world of young adult literature is a dynamic one that has become one of the most vibrant areas of publishing. Each publishing season brings a plethora of new titles, new forms, and new formats, many of which require new methods of evaluation.

Keeping up with these changes and the 5,000 + new titles flooding the market annually can be a full-time job. This webinar will help you identify new trends and the best new titles for your collections.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will be familiar with:

  • Trends in YA literature and publishing
  • New YA fiction that comprises “first purchases”
  • Nonfiction for both recreational and classroom use
  • Graphic novels and comics
  • Adult books for young adults and New Adults

This webinar will be of interest to both public and school library staff with young adult collection development responsibility.

For more information and to register, visit HERE