SnapShotNY: A Day in the Life of a Library

Participate in SNAPSHOTNY: A Day in the Life of a Library

Pick any day between Monday, January 13th and Friday, January 31st to take your photos and videos. Pick one of those days to collect your data.

Deadline for submitting all data—stats, photos and video—is Friday, January 31st.

For more information visit NY’s Libraries Are Essential

Free University of Toronto MOOC — Library Advocacy Unshushed: Values, Evidence, Action

How can we strengthen libraries and librarians in the advancement of knowledge, creativity, and literacy in the 21st century? Though libraries have been loved for over 3,600 years, their relevance in the digital age is being questioned, and their economic and social impacts are poorly understood. What is really essential about libraries and librarians, today and tomorrow? How can library members and all who support the mission of 21st-century librarianship raise the profile and support of these timeless values and services, and ensure universal access to the universe of ideas in all our communities? This course is based on what works. We’ll take an inspired, strategic, evidence-based approach to advocacy for the future of strong communities – cities, villages, universities and colleges, research and development centers, businesses, and not-for-profits.

Begins: February 24, 2014 (6 weeks)

Cost: Free

Register here.